Friday, December 22, 2017

Y-DNA differences and similarities between the peoples of the eastern Black Sea region

In this article I will assess the differences and similarities between the peoples of the eastern Black Sea region in terms of Y-DNA. Let’s begin by remembering the results of the 3 peoples I have published up until now;

Let me begin with the most dominant branches. Because only the basic haplogroups are shown on the tables, the differences in sub-branches are not clear from them.

The most dominant branch of the Greek/Turkish people of Trabzon is the M406 sub-branch of G2a.

On the other hand, the most dominant G2a branch among the Laz people is the L293 branch.

The M92 branch of J2a, which is the most dominant haplogroup among the Laz, comes to the fore among them.

As for the Hemshin people, while there is a situation of homogeneity, L1b and J2a seem to be dominant among them, and let’s not forget that their J2a is divided into various branches whereas the eastern Black Sea branch of L1b is specific among them.

The principle similarity between these 3 peoples is the PH8, i.e., eastern Black Sea branch of L1b. Despite the fact that it is unknown when this branch reached the region, it is thought that it came from around Iran at least 3000 years ago. It is found frequently among the peoples of the eastern Black Sea region.

Also some similarity is also found among the various branches of J2a, the M67 branches that are frequent in Trabzon is also seen found among the other peoples of the region, however less frequently.

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